
  各位新朋友老朋友們, 真不好意思懶惰的正妹喬比較常更新簡單的一心苦茶油Facebook粉絲頁, 在部落格這就比較常打重大活動事項等長篇網誌, 不過我都會每天查看是否有大家的留言或訊息且儘可能很快的回覆你們!!


  我們都知道種植區域有限所以一心苦茶油沒辦法無限量的供應, 由於這陣子新增加很多新朋友的預訂, 若有讓各位新朋友及老朋友們長時間等候出貨真的不好意思, 不過沒關系幸好2013年一心苦茶油新鮮開跑了哦!! 但是今年的收成比起住年並不美麗, 希望大家若覺得真的很喜歡一心苦茶油濃純嚴製的品質, 除了真的很要好的家人朋友外, 請不用太大力幫我們推廣哦, 謝謝大家~~!! ^^ 現在, 讓我們來看看家維及正妹喬近幾個月來在忙什麼吧~!!

 Dear friends. Thank you so much for your deep support to our Yi Sin Camellia Tenuifolia oil. As you can see that I keep updating the Facebook webpage so often with my smart phone, but in my bold, I seldom renew the long essay with my heavy laptop. However, I do check all the messages and questions that you have left, and I will try to reply to you as soon as possible on the Facebook and this blog everyday. 

    We all know that Yi Sin Camellia Tenuifolia oil cannot be provided in a large quantity from our limited crop area. Since we have received an increasing order from new friends lately, we sincerely apologise to those friends who have to wait for more than two weeks to get their produce. Fortunately, Yi Sin Camellia Tenuifolia seed is now in the harvest season, so we are able to provide all the orders during this 2013 to 2014 till the next coming harvest season. Let’s check to see what we have been doing in this harvest season for our health life.
















TEL: 05-5831159

地址: 雲林縣古坑鄉草嶺村34-12號




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