各位新朋友老朋友們,非常感謝大家對一心苦茶油母親節限量活動及Facebook一心苦茶油粉絲團母親節苦茶油雞大賽的支持, 今年大家都很有創意很可愛, 所以特別今年的活動只要有上傳相片的好友們,正妹喬就送您苦茶油手工皂哦!!


Dear friends. Thank you for your kind support for Yi Sin camellia tenuifolia oil limit supply and the Yi Sin camellia tenuifollia oil special competition for this Mother's day. We will post the hand

made soap to all the participant, who had posted their dish photo this time specially. Thank you

again and hope to have you on our next special activities. As usual, we had donated part of the

profit to the charity and deep appreciated your help of it. Thank you!!:)




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