
    各位新朋友及老朋友們一心苦茶油母親節特別活動來了哦~ 在活動期間只要拍下您煮給家人或媽媽您心目中最好吃的一心苦茶油雞的相片, 再以50字內推薦您精心製作的料理, 把它上傳至一心苦茶油Facebook粉絲團, 在截止時間2013年5月20日早上8點前請親朋好友們到一心苦茶油Facebook粉絲團按讚支持您最愛的作品, 正妹喬會在5月20日早上8點總計各作品得讚的次數, 得讚最多的前三名作者可各獲得免費苦茶油去角質手工香皂一只哦!!!

    Dear friends, here comes a special compitition even for this Mother's day since 2013 May 5.Please take a photo of the Yi Sin camellia tenuifollia oil chicken when you cook for your lovely family or mother during this compitition period.Try to type a recommendtion of your chicken dish in 50 words and upload them to the Yi Sin camellia tenuifoollia oil Facebook page.However,don't forget to ask your family members or firneds to push a like on Yi Sin camellia tenuifolia oil facebook page for your favorite dish before 2013 May 20 at 8 am.We will count every single like of each dish they have after the time, and the top 3 who have most like can get a nice free camellia tenuifollia soap. 


上傳照片時間: 西元2013年5月5日至5月20日上午8點止
Upload your dish photo time: from 2013 May 5 to May 20 8am.only


投讚給您最愛的作品時間: 西元2013年5月5日至5月20日上午8點止

Time for you to vote a like for your favorite dish: 2013 May 5 to May 20 8am.only



you are welcome to connect with Ms. Jo on mail if there is anything I can assist you of this even more :





訂購請找楊媽媽 05-5831159



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